Bring balance and justice to the world of the colombian cofee

Through transparent and human processes, with the producer as our main objective


Quality Standards

Each current ally is directed by corporate quality standards, which facilitate the commercialization of coffee, with flavors as varied as the mountains of Colombia and as exclusive as its climate. These standards have been agreed from the PRODUCER’s experience and the expressed needs of the roasters that will finally convert it into a beverage.

A fair deal for the Producer

JASAQUNTU has been given the task of finding stories behind each coffee bean that he has had the opportunity to analyze, not only in business matters. Thus, he built a corporate government based on JUSTICE for those who get up every morning to take care of those beautiful bushes that make coffee sprout.

Love in every detail

We are not guided by numbers that standardize the beans we export, we are guided by enhancing their flavors, taking care of each part of the process with detail and love.

Our brand

JASAQUNTU comes from Quechua:
In honor of our indigenous ancestors who grew coffee.

Our logo refers to the Toucan, a bird with a long beak and colorful plumage that lives in our forests. The toucan is a reminder that you must speak loud and clear, when it comes to Colombian coffee, in other words, it is necessary to bring to light the ideas that benefit you and all those involved.

nuestras zonas


El departamento del Tolima, situado en el centro de Colombia, tiene una rica historia y tradición cafetera que ha contribuido significativamente al desarrollo económico y cultural de la región. Aunque el Tolima no es tan reconocido como otras regiones cafeteras del país, como Antioquia o el Huila, su café es apreciado por su calidad y sabor distintivo. Aquí te presento algunas de las tradiciones cafeteras del Tolima.


En las tierras fértiles y montañosas del departamento del Huila, en Colombia, se encuentra un tesoro de la naturaleza que ha transformado la región y cautivado los paladares de todo el mundo: el café. Más que una simple bebida, el café del Huila es un símbolo de identidad y orgullo para sus habitantes, una fuente de vida y prosperidad que ha dejado una huella indeleble en la historia y la cultura de la región.


This variety is colloquially named because the fragrance that the fruit emits when it ripens. Although the current production volume is not very high, due to its exotic flavor, cultivation is increasing. It is a very productive, medium to tall-sized bush that is susceptible to rust. It is grown at altitudes ranging from 1,400 to 1,800 meters above sea level. Its cup exhibits sweet notes of spices and is quite aromatic


Hace muchos años, en las hermosas montañas de Antioquia, en Colombia, había un secreto que estaba a punto de ser descubierto por el mundo entero: ¡el café! Pero, ¿cómo llegó el café a convertirse en el tesoro de esta región? Bueno, la historia comienza en el siglo XIX, en una época en la que las montañas estaban cubiertas de verdes y exuberantes cafetales.

special processes


In this process, the skin and mucilage of the cherry are removed, and the bean is dried.


In this process, the skin and part of the mucilage of the bean are removed.

In this process, the skin is removed and the bean with the mucilage is dried.


In this process, the entire coffee fruit is dried.



In our corporate governance, we have been quite ambitious in defining our mission as the need to bring balance and justice to the world of Colombian coffee, through transparent and humane processes, with the producer as our main focus.

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