Thus, each PRODUCER that supplies coffee to JASAQUNTU, is a responsible, coherent farmer who, like us, is in love with each of the coffee processes, from planting to transportation to our facilities.
Quality Standards
Each current ally is directed by corporate quality standards, which facilitate the commercialization of coffee, with flavors as varied as the mountains of Colombia and as exclusive as its climate. These standards have been agreed from the PRODUCER’s experience and the expressed needs of the roasters that will finally convert it into a beverage.
A fair deal for the Producer
JASAQUNTU has been given the task of finding stories behind each coffee bean that he has had the opportunity to analyze, not only in business matters. Thus, he built a corporate government based on JUSTICE for those who get up every morning to take care of those beautiful bushes that make coffee sprout.
Love in every detail
We are not guided by numbers that standardize the beans we export, we are guided by enhancing their flavors, taking care of each part of the process with detail and love.